Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Republic of Mesa

I was contacted a couple weeks back by a reporter for the Arizona Republic. They had heard about the inclusion of one of my pieces in the Tohono Chul Park "Mesquite" exhibit and wanted to do a story on me and the wood. The piece they're most interested in was made out of wood sourced from Boyce Thompson Arboretum. I was expecting the reporter this Thursday so I've been working on cleaning and organizing the shop off and on for the past 10 or so days. To my surprise the reporter showed up last Thursday, right in the middle of the cleaning process. In fact the shop looked worse than normal as I had to tear it apart and make it worse before I could make it better. Thankfully he didn't have a photographer with him, that happens tomorrow. We did the interview anyway with me apologizing profusely multiple times for the state of my shop.

Now the shop is in a half decent state, there's even room to walk completely around the lathe without needing to step on or over half logs or roughed out bowls. I also took some time to prep some bowl blanks for the photo session. The reporter indicated that they prefer action shots so I'm planning to send some shavings flying tomorrow evening.

It looks like the article is currently scheduled to be published on May 16th.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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