Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been pretty busy lately without much to show for my efforts. Tonight I started to work on a new style of pendant. The president's challenge for next month is "mixed media". Mixing wood with other materials such as metal, stone, shell, or acrylic. I twisted 2 pieces of copper wire and then turned a recess around the perimeter. I saw some small bowls several years ago in an art shop in Jerome that used this technique. I decided to try it with a pendant. This is more of a proof of concept than anything else, the splice in the wire is very well hidden, you have to look very closely at exactly the right angle to see it.

Saturday was the September meeting of the Arizona Woodturners. Local club member Dale Gillaspy ( was our demonstrator. He filled in on short notice after we had a scheduling conflict and did a fantastic job. After the meeting I headed north to Anthem to play in a poker tournament. The host had a black light flashlight so we headed out back during a break to look for scorpions. It didn't take long to find 3 or 4 along their back wall. My son has a birthday coming up in about 2 weeks and I'm going to get him a flashlight of his own. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it.
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